When You Held Your Breath To Find Out If School Was Closed

The view from our home - with a photobomb by the snowplow truck.

The view from our home – with a photobomb by the snowplow truck.

As I’m writing, snowpocalypse is raging outside my window. Another 10 inches or so is expected in our neighborhood. All this on top of the foot or more already covering the sides of the roads and everyone’s front lawns. I don’t mind the snow so much, especially now since I work from home and a daily commute is not something I have to deal with. It really is pretty to look at. But it’s getting old as we reach mid-February.

We found out last night that school would be closed today for my nine-year old. The list of school names – neatly arranged by county – scrolled along the bottom of the local New Jersey news station a good five hours before a single flake fell. We also received text messages and phone calls last night from an automated notification system – about the “impending weather.”

Now what fun is that?

I remember as a kid waking up early, raising the window shades and seeing the most glorious sight – SNOW! We’d run to the dining room, turn on our big stereo and tune it to the local station that was listing off all the school closings. The sound was all static and grainy – a sign of the times before satellite and digital radio. The announcers would list the names alphabetically. Our town began with “M” and we usually tuned in when they were somewhere at “S.” So we’d have to wait for them to loop around and begin again. Without fail, our town was one of the last to decide to close. I grew up in Melrose. And this is what we would hear:

Malden, Medfield, Medway, Middleton, Milton….

Melrose should fit neatly between Medway and Middleton, right? But it never did. At least not on the first read-through.

No, it wasn’t until after I had taken a shower, gotten dressed, had breakfast and was ready to go.

We’d listen one more time…Malden, Medfield, Medway, MELROSE, Middleton, Milton…


Back in our jammies for a day full of cartoons and sitcoms πŸ™‚

4 thoughts on “When You Held Your Breath To Find Out If School Was Closed

  1. My school (Octorara – we usually turned on the radio in the S’s, too, and had to wait) was always first to cancel. We’re way out in the boonies and the roads (especially right in front of the school) drift shut with even just a little snow. My hubs grew up not far from me (outside a small city) and they NEVER cancelled and he used to be jealous of us and think we were bums. But now we live close to my old school district and he totally understands why we always used to cancel. And I’m VERY grateful that his job closed today and he doesn’t have to brave the roads. Stay warm!

  2. My schools always used a phone chain to announce snow days. We’d get a call at about 5:30am and then have to call the next 5 people on the list. I’m sure my parents hated it, but waking up to a blaring telephone when it was still dark out always meant good news for me. πŸ™‚

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